My friend is having a baby girl in a few short weeks, and a couple of us threw a sweet baby shower for her over the weekend.
I had a great time making some simple but eye catching decorations, most of which I found inspiration for on Pinterest, and all of which were inexpensive to make!
We didn't really have a theme, but went with pink things - and I love the pink and green combination, so that is how it ended up.
Above - I made decorative pink and green balls out of things I had around the house. The innards are balled up newspaper - WAY cheaper than styrofoam balls!
Take a look at this project I did here to see how I made the yarn wrapped balls.
Each of these newspaper balls had a little bit of yarn wrapped around them to hold them tightly in shape - and then I continued to wrap yarn around some, and others I hot glued fake flowers or twine to.
I made this chalkboard out of an old window I found on the side of the road. I will show you a step by step for this later on - but I just used chalkboard paint, painted right onto the glass.
Cute little baby quote added on, and it was a great baby shower decoration!
This pink punch was delicious! I found the simple recipe here using sherbet and sprite, with some citrus fruit cut up in it as well. Yum!
My friend made the cake pops - always a baby shower favorite.
This scrap banner was a fun way to add color. I have done smaller ones before. I am Momma Hear me Roar also made a cute one that I liked.
The tissue paper pom poms are inexpensive and take up a lot of space if you need to fill a room. I used this tutorial here - which believe it or not, I did not perfect on the first try, despite the simple instructions. My tips: fold the accordion creases very crisply, wrap the wire around the middle very tightly, and when pulling the tissue paper layers apart, do not over handle them, and do not pull them apart very far. Good luck :)
The felt circle garland was cute - and fun to hang from the light fixture. The tutorial can be found here and it is easy to follow, if a little time consuming.
The pink popcorn party favors were bright, cheerful and yummy. I got inspiration from this pin here - and I love how much color it added to the table :)
Simply air pop popcorn, and drizzle pink candy melt over it. Stir it up well (add a litle salt if desired) and let it dry before putting it in a container. You can get pink candy melt at the craft store....or you could use white chocolate bark and add some food coloring.
I think using the phrase "gonna pop soon" or "ready to pop" is cute with the popcorn, so I made tags that said "Heidi's gonna pop soon! Thanks for celebrating with us!!"
This "guest book" was probably my favorite element. There are a ton of finger print guest book ideas on this one here.
I traced the image of a carriage onto the bottom of a piece of cardstock. I made a cloud out of another piece of cardstock with instructions: "Please sign our guest book! Stamp your finger and print your name"
The cloud and rain drops were there because it is a baby shower :)
Here is how it ended up, with the names and fingerprints of all the guests.
I had pink and red stamp pads available, with a sharpie marker so they could write their name over their fingerprint and baby wipes for cleaning their fingers when they were done.
I added the "balloon strings" after everyone had printed their finger.
I love it!
After the baby is born, I will add her name and date of birth to the bottom of the page. It is a great keepsake for a baby book, or would also be cute framed on the nursery wall...
It was a really fun party - and a great excuse to get together with friends!
We sat and talked and gathered our ribbons and felt and buttons and sat around making hair bows and headbands for the mom-to-be... just like these ones I have made here or at this great tutorial here. It was a fun alternative to games, and gave her a great stash of unique bows, made by her friends, to use on her new baby girl :)
Aren't babies wonderful?!