The other day I posted about the fabulous Rapunzel Tangled Birthday Party we had for my 5 year old.
We played Rapunzel games, ate Rapunzel themed snacks - and a few things I didn't post about the other day... we made castle invitations, awesome satchel party favor bags, and some cute personalized thank you cards!
Above you can see all the individual pieces to the castle invitation. (Here's my inspiration.) I freehand sketched the castle and made sure that it would fit in my envelope.
I heard back from a few of the moms that their girls loved getting this in the mail :) My daughter drew a picture on the back of each one, which was also really sweet.
The hair is braided yellow yarn, tied with a ribbon and taped to the back of the middle part of the castle. I simply printed out the invitation words onto pretty paper, making sure they were all centered and skinny and on the right side. Then I cut the paper down to the correct size, with the words on the right edge, and glued the castle to the left side.
Our party favor bags were probably my favorite part. I whipped up a few of Flynn Rider's satchels made out of felt! There were fairly quick and a big hit. Below is a quick tutorial on how I made them.
For the bag, cut a piece of felt 8" x 24". You can, of course, make this any size you want. This was just a good size for the party favors I wanted to put in.
For the strap, cut a piece of felt 1.5" wide x 34" long. Again, you can make yours shorter if you want! I had plenty because I buy my felt off the roll, so I made a long strap.
For the patch, I simply cut a different colored piece of felt into a rough square approx. 2" x 2"
The bag is really simply constructed by taking the large piece of felt and folding the short side 3/4 of the way up, leaving a few inches at the top to fold the flap down. Check out the two pictures below to see what I mean.
Once you have decided where your folds will be, pin the patch to the bottom left corner of the bag (only catching the top layer of felt), unfold it and zig-zag stitch around the patch.
Next, fold it into a bag shape again, and pin up both sides - leaving the flap open. Tuck the ends of the strap between the felt on either side of the bag, just before the flap section begins. (see below)
Top stitch around 3 sides of the bag with 1/4" seam allowance. You don't need to sew along the bottom fold (although it wouldn't hurt if you did).
Finally, using an additional scrap of felt, secure a loop of ribbon or cord to the middle of the flap as shown below. I sewed around the scrap of felt, catching the cord in the stitches to secure.
Then sew a button in the appropriate place based on where the loop falls on the bag. Pull the loop over the secured button to close the satchel. That's it!
We filled ours with watercolor Rapunzel Paints, dollar store hair brushes and Pascal party blowers (I love these - they make me laugh).
The watercolor paints have a strip of paper I printed off and glued on with a glue stick and say "Rapunzel Paints - Best Day Ever! Thanks for coming to my party!"
And of course, we love to send thank you cards to our friends to say thank you for coming, and for their gifts. I love to send mail with a stamp - it is sure to brighten some one's day! I also love having my kids express their gratitude, and spend time writing a note or drawing a picture for someone.
As we've done at all our parties, I take individual pictures of my birthday girl with each friend, and a picture of the group. Then, I get the individual and group pictures printed and include them with the thank you card. It is such an easy and inexpensive way to add a personal touch, and show the parents some pictures from the party.
And just because she is so darn cute - here's a picture of the usually bald babe, showing off her new found hair, and showing us how to make those decorations last just a little bit longer ;)
Be sure to check out the post about our Tangled Party food and games.
You can also check out our Pirate Birthday Party and Art Birthday Party for more ideas!

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