So, my older girls got their handmade Disney t-shirts, but for my baby, I tried a few different ideas.
It was really fun to outfit my sweet little 7 month old with some hand made Disney outfits. It was quite cold while we were there in Florida, so some of her outfits were covered by jackets, but I have a few darling pictures of her sporting her one of a kind clothes.
I bought a pack of white onesies in her size, and for this one, I made a little Snow White inspired, apron-like fabric front. I cut and zig-zag stitched on a blue front. Then, made little U shaped pieces of fabric by sewing 2 pieces, right sides together and turning them right side out. I sewed them along the waist - and let them hang over her pants like a skirt. Then, I sewed ribbon around the middle, over the yellow fabric, so I could tie it in the back. I didn't sew all the way around, because the fabric and ribbon wasn't as stretchy as the onesie, and would have been hard to get on her otherwise.
I used hot glue and ribbon to make a bow with Snow White colors - and hot glued an alligator clip on the back to secure it to a stretchy headband. I found that bows were a really easy way to make the baby look festive!
We love Tsum Tsums around our house - do you?
This onesie was inspired by those dolls - and was made with regular acrylic craft paint.
Minnie on the front, and Pooh on the back ;)
I traced the shape onto the shirt ...
Painted it with acrylic paint using small paint brushes.
And then I created a stencil for the words. Easy and cute!
This Peter Pan inspired shirt was probably my favorite. My girls and I carved a pumpkin this year that looked a lot like the Tinker Bell image above. I simply made a stencil for Tink, and painted it onto the t-shirt with black acrylic paint. I used the end of a painbrush for the dots.
Tinker Bell went on the back, and Peter, Wendy, Michael and John on the front...
I made another bow - yellow, like Tinker Bell's hair - and she looked awesome in this one! I never did take a great picture, but you get the idea :)
With my last white onesie, I couldn't resist these Frozen quotes.
They seemed too perfect for baby.
I made a stencil with my Silhouette for these too - one for the front, and one for the back.
And she even got to meet Anna herself while wearing it!
I have to say, I'm really pleased with the way these turned out. Simple, but they each added a fun and festive element to our trip.

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