My daughter went to a friend's birthday party recently - and this friend just happens to be a boy (imagine that) :) This boy loves capes, and this gave me the perfect excuse to make one for him!
I made my first cape a couple of years this link here to see it (and the instructions on how I made it!) That was for Halloween, and it turned out really well.
I am very happy with this one too - and it is really not difficult! This could be a beginner's sewing project.
Each side of the cape is made from 1 yard of fabric. I like having the capes double sided - it adds fun for the wearer. You can see the shape above, cut out from each yard of fabric. I used a string and a pen to mark the back side of the fabric with this shape.
If you have someone hold your string down at the middle edge of the long side of fabric, and extend your string almost to the other edge of the fabric, you can swing the string/pen in an arc to mark the even round shape of the bottom. Same concept to mark the neck arc - just make your string much shorter.
This picture should make it a bit more clear:
You can, of course, make a cape without pictures sewn on (that would cut the time it takes WAY down). If you like the shapes, cut them out of scraps of fabric, and zig-zag stitch around the edges to secure them onto the cape.
I often use bias tape for the neck ties - but you can make your own strips with scraps of the same fabric.
Then, the cape is made simply pinning right sides together, with the neck ties facing in at the edges of the neck curve, and sewing all the way around the cape. Leave a couple of inches open to turn it right side out. Iron the cape at this point for a nice crisp look. This time, I top stitched all the way around the edge of the cape, 1/8" from the edge, in order to secure the hole shut.
This size, made with 1 yard of fabric, is long on my 3 year old (above), and just right for my 5 year old (below). So, if you are making one for a 3 year old, don't use the entire 42-44" width of a yard of fabric. This size would work for a few years older than 5 I would certainly is long on my tall 5 year old.
Capes are fun accessories for costumes - fun for imaginative boys and girls - and extra fun when they are personalized! Don't be afraid to go whip up a cape for your favorite little super-kid!!

Great idea for gifts and dress up! I'm predicting everyone will be inviting your kids to their birthday parties! Good job Linds!