Do you need a unique gift idea for a guy in your life? Well, I have the perfect one for you - because what is more manly than a saw blade? ;)
This is a really simple project. I made this one for my dad to put in the garage/workshop.
1) Pick up a circular saw blade at the hardware store. There are quite a few 7.5" options for under $10!
2) Pick out things to use for the numbers. I went to the antique store and found a bunch of little metal numbers. I also grabbed some nuts and bolts from my toolbox. Any little metal items, particularly tool items, would be great!
3) Mark where each number should go. I used a larger clock face to help me. I set my saw blade on top of the clock and marked each number location with a permanent marker dot.
4) Use e6000 or Amazing Goop (really strong glue) to adhere your items over the dots you made.
5) Buy clock parts from the craft store and assemble them through the existing hole in the saw blade. (see, I told you this was easy!) I also glued zip ties to my clock hands to complete the "workshop" look.
Tip: Try to even out the weight of the items you use for numbers. My left side was heavier than my right, so I glued a heavy bolt onto the back of the right side of the clock so that it would hang straight.
Now sit back and admire your work! A fun, unique, manly clock perfect for a garage, workshop, or man cave!

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