My favorite part of creating Halloween costumes is making these custom, felt Trick-or-Treat bags every year. We have quite the collection now that I've made them for Jessie from Toy Story and Buzz Lightyear, Harry Potter, Peter Pan, Frozen, Super Mario Brothers,
The entire bag is made from felt. The stuff you can buy on the roll at the fabric store is typically made out of recycled plastic bottles, and it is pretty strong. These bags have always held up really well when I make them from that material. That, plus the ribbon enforced handles, ensures that these bags last through all the parties and trick or treating of the season, and long after that.
Two of Kronk's best lines are on the two sides of this Trick-or-Treat bag.
And Yzma as the wicked cat with a funny high pitched voice looked great!
Not to mention her vials of poison :)
These two quotes from Emperor's New Groove can often be heard around our house:
"You Threw off my Groove!" and "No Touchy!'
Here I took a couple of in-process pictures. I often trace images I find and cut them out of felt.
Some pieces I sew down, some I glue down with a small amount of fabric glue. Fabric glue is easier - and certainly works just fine. I usually just like the way that sewing looks, but it does take longer.
And sewing them all together is fairly quick. Again, you can find the full tutorial here:
I love how much these little sweeties get into Halloween. They are the best!
Happy Halloween!!

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