I have been lucky enough to have a Silhouette cutting machine for a while now - I got it as a Christmas gift when it was on a really good sale - and I have a lot of fun with it!
I have not been very kind to it however, because I have let it sit on my desk all this time with no cover!
I finally made one the other day, and I wish I had done it sooner! It was a very fast project, and I feel so much better now, knowing that dust isn't collecting in all the little mechanical parts.
I used the pattern found here at Crap I've Made - and it worked great.
I did make a slight modification though:
Instead of doing a double fold on the bottom, I folded it under only once, sewed around and left a small opening, and threaded a thin elastic cording through.
I wanted the bottom to fit snugly around the machine, so that there was no risk of it coming off. I did a zig zag stitch along the bottom edge of the fabric, to keep it from fraying, since I only folded it under once, and the raw edge is visible on the inside. The elastic isn't very tight -- just enough to make it pull a bit around the bottom of the machine.
My mom has a Cameo - and when she came to visit me recently, I made her a cover too :)
For the Cameo, I used this tutorial at My Craft Spotlight. I made the same modification as I did with the regular Silhouette pattern, and added elastic to the bottom.
I have to say though, this Cameo pattern did not match up as well for me as the other pattern did. I had to adjust the width of the rectangular piece to make it match up with the end pieces. So, if you use it, just keep in mind that you might have to make some adjustments, and almost bunch your fabric to have the edges line up.
These pictures give you a better idea of the elastic, and how tight it is...
So, show your machinery a little love, and make some dust covers :)